

    June 07, 2015

    Environmental Protection Day!

    Today Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC initiated and organized a presentation about environmental protection and biodiversity for public school students in the villages of Akhaldaba and Chanchkhalo. The presentations were aimed at increasing students’ awareness of environmental protection. The presentation was led by representatives of NGOs working on environmental protection, and emphasis was placed on the biodiversity of highland Adjara and its native species.

    As a part of the activities planned for Environmental Protection Day, employees of Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC, together with botanists, visited the project construction area to eradicate invasive species identified as part of Shuakhevi HPP’s invasive species monitoring program. Even though these invasive species have been spreading in Adjara for more than 50 years, they still continue to threaten the local environment. Following the directions of specialists, the company’s employees removed many of these alien plants.

    Environmental protection and decreasing the influence of invasive species on the environment is one of Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC’s main priorities.