Grievance Handing Mechanism
What is a Grievance Handling Mechanism?
A grievance can be defined as an actual or perceived problem that might give grounds for complaint. As a general policy, AGL is working proactively towards preventing grievances through the implementation of impact mitigation measures and community liaison. These activities are designed to anticipate and address potential issues before they become grievances.
Anyone is able to submit a grievance to the Company if they believe a practice is having a detrimental impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life.
Any comments or concerns can be brought to the attention of the company verbally or in writing (by post or e-mail) or by filling in a Grievance Form.
How does this process work?
All grievances will be acknowledged within 10 days. If immediate corrective action is available it will be taken within 10 days; if no immediate corrective action is available, a response will be provided within 21 days. The response to a comment will be provided within twenty-one working days unless there are exceptional circumstances. Where investigations are required, project staff and outside authorities as appropriate will assist with the process. The SES will collaborate with the AGL to identify an appropriate investigation team with the correct skills to review the issue raised and to decide whether it is Project related or whether it is more appropriately addressed by a relevant authority outside the Project.
How to submit your grievance?
There are several ways to submit your written grievance:
E-mail: Download the Grievance Form, fill out and send it to the following e-mail address:
Telephone: Call the AGL Stakeholder Engagement Specialist (SES) at the following number: 577 203 415 and provide information about your grievance.
PIC: Visit our Public Information Center at Shuakhevi HPP, write your grievance or fill out our Grievance Form and give it to the SES for registering.