
    Press Releases

     Press Releases
    Octomber 22, 2019

    Meeting with Local Students Financed by AGL

    Today, Prashant Josh, the CEO of Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC (AGL), met with local students who had received scholarships from the Shuakhevi Hydropower Plant (HPP) project as part of its corporate social responsibility program.

    “The Shuakhevi HPP project has been proudly funding local students’ education in leading Georgian universities for the last five years. The goal of today’s meeting was to listen to each of these students to find out what plans they had, how our financial support has contributed to their success, and what recommendations they had for educational projects to support in the future. I believe it was quite an interesting and productive meeting,” stated Prashant Josh, the CEO of Adjaristsqali Georgia.

    AGL began providing scholarships for 25 local students in 2014 through a public-private sector partnership as part of its comprehensive social responsibility program. Each year, the funding and selection process was carried out transparently and in compliance with strictly defined standards.

    “I believe that any company – whether it is a large business or small one – should contribute in some way to the social development of society. Social project is often superficial and not focused on making actual changes, but I think that the educational projects the Shuakhevi HPP is implementing are making a real and positive impact by creating new opportunities for young people in Khulo and Shuakhevi,” said Khatia Khimshiashvili an AGL scholarship recipient.

    AGL and the Shuakhevi HPP have implemented a variety of educational projects focused on the long-term development of the region. These projects include scholarships, an internship program for students studying energy, pedagogy workshops for local teachers, English classes for high school students and adults, university entrance exam preparation courses, and awareness-raising training in many different fields.