

    December 27, 2018

    Awareness Raising Meetings with School Children

    Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC started awareness raising and informational meetings with school children of the affected communities. On December 21 a meeting was held in Didachara Public School, Khulo. AGL team talked about Composting –  an organic process that recycles various organic materials otherwise regarded as waste products and produces a soil conditioner (the compost) which is used in organic farming, how to make Compost and the importance of using it. Students of the 9th, 10th and 11th forms attended the meeting.

    Following the meeting with Didachara school children, on December 25 informational meeting on the same topic was conducted with Akhaldaba Public school children, Shuakhevi.

    In the future AGL within the framework of the awareness raising activities plans to continue meetings with the school children on different