Press Releases

AGL Celebrates World Environment Week
Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC (AGL) annually celebrates Environment Week. This week-long event involves various activities led by the company's environmental team to enhance awareness of environmental issues among local communities.
This year, within Environment week, AGL's management visited the public school in the village of Nigazeuli. environmental team conducted an awareness training session for students on the importance of biodiversity and waste management, and provided the school with special waste bins. As part of the event, AGL employees and students planted decorative trees to green the schoolyard.
"Raising awareness of environmental issues in the communities within the Shuakhevi HPP operation area is a priority for our company. We actively engage with the younger generation to increase their environmental awareness. During Environment Protection Week, we met with students from Nigazeuli village, shared vital information on environmental protection, and involved them in practical activities. Our goal is to instill a lifelong commitment to environmental care," said Nino Gagua, head of AGL's Environmental Compliance team.
The United Nations General Assembly designated June 5 as Environment Day in 1972. The aim is to raise awareness about environmental responsibility, promote sustainable development, and encourage active societal participation in environmental preservation and improvement efforts.