
    Press Releases

     Press Releases
    September 20, 2012

    Fish survey of Adjaristsqali river and its tributaries

    Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC, organised and extensive Meso-habitat survey of the  Adjaristsqali River in Georgia in during August and September 2012.  AGL organised the survey to obtain a better understanding of the migratory routes of fish and and ascertain what fish species were present.

    In line with it’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), CEG also launched an additional Aquatic Survey which included Meso-habitat mapping and detailed studies of fish populations of the Adjaristsqali River and its tributaries effected by the project.

    The fish survey started on August 20, 2012 and lasted until September 15, 2012.   The survey was conducted by Mott MacDonald together with Ichthyologists from the Black Sea Monitoring Agency. Atle Harby from SINTEF in Norway, one of the worlds leading experts on the impact of fish on regulations of river flows participated in studies. The studies will be conducted during the low and high flood season periods.

    The Aquatic Survey is a long-tem monitoring survey and will last for 3 years.  Through stakeholder engagement and understanding of priorities, phase II will enable us to identify the ecological flow and initiate appropriate support measures for life of the Project.